Welcome to Materials in Motion 2021.
With lockdowns continuing throughout the world we still believe it is important for our global community to regularly catch up and share news, information and practices in our field. With this in mind Cosgrove Hall Films Archive, Creative Industries Trafford, EYE Filmmuseum, Manchester Animation Festival and Musées d’Annecy have organised an online catch up for the animation archive community to meet up. The meeting will take place on the 6 July from 16:30 BST until 20:30. Attendance is free.
The session will include ‘micro talk’ presentations from key organisations followed by a world café where we will split up into breakout rooms to discuss pressing issues. Ahead of the meeting you are encouraged to include topics of conversation you would like addressing in these breakout rooms which you can include when you register your place.
Register in advance for this meeting using this link
Curious about the speakers? Check the lineup here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting and a schedule. You are encouraged to share this link with colleagues who operate in archives and who might wish to either learn more about animation materials or who would like to contribute to the conversation. Though registration is free we kindly ask you to not make this link available on social media to allow members of the archiving community to secure their places first.
We look forward to seeing you all again,
The Materials in Motion 2021 Team

16:30 – 16:45 – Welcome
Welcome: Dr Steve Henderson, Manchester Animation Festival
Micro Talks session one
16:45 – Rosy Whittemore, Cosgrove Hall Films Archive
17:00 – Jez Stewart, British Film Institute
17:15 – Q&A
Micro Talks session two
17:30 – Bataille le Maire, independent conservator
17:45 – Katharina Hoeyng, Getty
18:00 – Q&A
18:15 – BREAK
Micro Talks session three
18:30 – Yaël Ben Nun, Musées d’Annecy
18:45 – Anne Coco, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences / Margaret Herrick Library
19:00 – Q&A
19:15 – BREAK
19:30 – World Café Breakout Rooms
There will be three breakout rooms, participants will spend 10 minutes in each breakout room
Room One: Preservation of Materials
hosted by Aafke Weller and Rosy Whittemore
Room Two: The Future of Materials in Motion
Hosted by Mette Peters and Richard Evans
Room Three: Exhibition and Curation
Hosted by Yaël Ben Nun
20:00 – Regroup for findings
20:30 – Close
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